Bridget Brosnahan - Owner/Creator/Designer of {GP} Apparel Co.
My mother always told me I could do anything I put my mind to. It sounded so cliche and often resonated with irritating undertones. She made it sound so simple. But I quickly started grabbing these whirling giant reins in life and tackled every tangible challenge. Then one day, I needed to know what the meaning of my life was. Why was I here? What about the intangible challenges? I was soon blessed with the answer. - To Make A Difference. Big or small, to make a difference on the most human level possible. To give back the very thing my mother gave to me. The gift of believing I CAN do anything I want to do, AND so can everyone else. Philosophical questions brewed and being in Law Enforcement for the past 14 years, I have embraced the true meaning life. I believe that YOU can do anything because simply, It’s A State of Mind !!
How you view yourself in your world has to rise to the top as you grow in life. The power of positive thinking in who you are, how you fit in, and why you are here are all things that you need to mold answers to as time goes on. Letting time take hold of your day turns into weeks, months and years of never knowing your purpose, or never feeling truly blessed to be who you are. Letting other people or outside influences mold you is not a solution to living your life.
I have been blessed with skills and talents that will be tapped into whenever possible. I am an artist, CSI Detective, Massage Therapist, Triathlete, and now an Entrepreneur. But I am not perfect at each one, I strive to work hard for the best possible results under circumstances that can not be changed. I draw and create when I want to. I fight crime with Science every day I go to work and LOVE it! I train for triathlons and half marathons. and completed several. I own my own massage practice. People ask me, “How do you fit it all in?” My reply, It’s A State of Mind !! I can do anything I want to because I feel good about the life I live and am confident that no matter what venue I step in to, I will feel empowered as a strong, positive, reliable, trustworthy, hard working woman. If I believe I posses those things, then so will everyone too.
I am not sharing these things with you to toot my own horn. I am sharing them because I am JUST LIKE YOU. I cry like you, I struggle like you, I laugh like you, I worry like you, I eat like you, sweat like you and sleep like you. I am not better than you. I have just made myself worth the life I was blessed with . YOU CAN TOO!