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It's A State of Mind

Clothing That Changes The World One Female At A Time...


The {GP} Mission...

{GP} Apparel Co. is promoting self-confidence amongst the female gender so that they may feel empowered to overcome social barriers and be inspired to reach their greatest potential. {GP} wants females to stand up to peer pressure, bullying, and media stereotypes. Expression of opinions without pause, sharing what is important to them without hesitation, and simply stating what is on their minds because they can. I want females to feel good about being strong individuals and in doing so, reaching their greatest potential because...

It's a State of Mind!

Read our story.


Click Shop Til You Drop, THEN “Chappy The Seal Tees” in the Collections Menu


Follow us on twitter @gpapparelco

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Girl Power Apparel isn't just a clothing company! It is a MISSION  that is using clothing as a vehicle to get the message from one part of the world to another. ALL females need to know they hold the key to success and CAN DO ANYTHING they put their mind to. It doesn't matter what age you are, YOU need to BELIEVE that you are worth the life you have been blessed with. Wear GP clothing as a symbol of your belief and enclose yourself in positive infused comfy clothing!! It's A State of Mind!!